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District #429 Education Foundation was founded in 1997 as a non-for-profit corporation under IL law to provide an alternative source of funds for use by the district. The Foundation provides financial support for special projects and equipment benefiting all students of District #429 to enhance their educational opportunities.
District #429 Education Foundation is comprised of members of the business community, educators, parents and other community leaders. Its mission is to enhance the quality of public education by making funds available for classrooms to enable students to achieve their full potential. Mini-grants are awarded bi-annually that impact academic opportunities for students of the school district.
The Foundation is a funding mechanism for charitable contributions to be made to the #429 school district. All contributions to the District #429 Education Foundation are tax deductible on Federal income tax returns as authorized by the Internal Revenue Service. Any gifts made the Foundation qualify as a charitable deduction.
Contributions to the Foundation may be in the form of cash, check or securities of any amount. Contributions may be made as a bequest in a will, as an endowment or memorial.
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